Línea Abierta : Immigration Reform: Executive or Legislative Action.

Linea Abierta - English Description - Show in Spanish show

Summary: Immigration Reform: Executive or Legislative Action. The politics of immigration in states with growing Latino electorates, the “Fast for Families” bus tour across 75 congressional districts in the U.S., the calls for executive action to halt deportations, and the report by an independent panel condemning the U.S. Border Patrol use of deadly force, are topics of conversation in this Immigration Edition. Guests: Ben Monterroso, Executive Director, Mi Familia Vota, National Spokesperson, Fast for Families Bus Tour, Washington, DC, www.mifamiliavota.us ; Sergio Lara, Regional Organizer, Bus passenger, Mi Familia Vota, Vancouver, WA; Petra Falcón, Executive Director, Promise Arizona, Phoenix, AZ, www.promiseaz.org ; Pedro Ríos, Director, American Friends Service Committee, San Diego, CA, www.facebook.com/AFSC.SanDiego