Línea Abierta : The Right To Stay Home. Also, Immigration Relief for Military Families.

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Summary: The Right To Stay Home. In his most recent book, David Bacon portrays a growing resistance of Mexican communities that envision a world were migration is not forced by poverty or environmental destruction. The author speaks about the activists he portrays in his narrative, and the connection between the U.S. policies that push migration, and a person’s right to remain home. Guest: David Bacon, journalist and author, The Right To Stay Home, Oakland, CA, http://dbacon.igc.org/ Also, Immigration Relief for Military Families. The Obama administration issued a new rule that allows the spouses, children and parents of current U.S. service members and veterans to stay in the country. Experts say thousands of families may benefit from this policy. A regular immigration commentator clarifies the details of the new rule. Guest: Rosalba Piña, immigration attorney, Chicago, IL, www.rosalbapina.com