How Much Of A Role Should Family Play In Your Relationship?

LanceScurv show

Summary: Most people who view my inquiry pretty much won't think to hard about the question asked until they get into some type of family feud do to the fact that someone in their family overstepped their bounds and went a little too far in dipping into the intimate relationship of their family member. Then it becomes an issue that many in that same family won't ever want to touch but the fact remains that the limitations must be respected whether it is spoken on or not. There are certain places that one just shouldn't venture no matter HOW close that family member may be! But you and I know that in most families it doesn't seem to work that way. There is ALWAYS that sharer of D.N.A. that HAS to push the envelope and go where no one has gone before into the business of their coupled kin! So the question that I put out to you is....... How Much Of A Role Should Family Play In Your Relationship? While some may mean no harm when they want to be close to you as a couple, how much of a role is TOO MUCH? We know that different cultures have a different tolerance to the close proximity of their extended family members, but no matter where you limitations may stand, everyone has a point of no return regardless as to how much they claim they love and adore each other. Where is YOUR breaking point and WHAT are the areas that you consider untouchable to that very curious Mother-In-Law or that always visiting Sister or Step-Child? .......this will surely be a very entertaining and revealing show and definitely would love your input into this potentially highly volatile situation. Let's get ready to rumble!!!!!!! You DON'T want to miss this my friend!