Línea Abierta : MEXICO EDITION.

Linea Abierta - English Description - Show in Spanish show

Summary: MEXICO EDITION. When he was returning from the Forum of Gas Exporting Countries in Russia, the President of Bolivia, Evo Morales, found that France, Italy, Portugal and Spain refused permission for him to fly over their airspace, because they suspected Edward Snowden was on board. The Bolivian airplane had to return to Moscow, and then to Vienna, Austria, before Morales could return to his country. Mexican activists condemned the diplomatic block the United States has placed against Snowden, after he revealed part of Washington’s intelligence system. Guests: Jorge Mansilla, Former Ambassador of Bolivia in Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico; Héctor de la Cueva, Centro de Investigación Laboral y Asesoría Sindical, Mexico City, Mexico (pretaped audio)