Teen Drinking and Sex - Aug 14,2012 - Oct 15,2012 - Jun 06,2013

Sex,Lies & Consciousness | Blog Talk Radio Feed show

Summary: I am rebroadcasting this show today. Its such an important topic about teenage drinking and sex. "Guaranteed to be a powerful conversation. My BRAVE friend Heidi will be sharing with us her journey of abusing drugs and alcohol to relax into sex. There has been so much pain and also so many discoveries. This show is especially important for parents of pre-teens and teen-agers to listen to. Our ignorance, shame, resistance and inability to support our children around their sexuality is a direct link to this drinking and abusing their body. If you have your own story to tell please go to the SLC website and post in this show blog. I would love to hear from you." Find more awesome sex conversations and google Hangout at SexLiesandConsciousness.com