Línea Abierta : MEXICO EDITION.

Linea Abierta - English Description - Show in Spanish show

Summary: MEXICO EDITION. With an increase of extortion, assault, and kidnappings, businesspeople of Chilpancingo, Guerrero, Mexico asked for help from the community police of self-defense, organizations that began in the 1990’s in the poorest regions of the state. According to the businesspeople, small business owners are paying fees to organized crime, but many do not report the extortion because they distrust the police. Bruno Plácido Valerio, founder of the community police, expressed his support and said development is needed to combat crime. Martha Elena Ramírez hosts Voz Pública from Mexico City. Guest: Bruno Plácido Valerio, president of la Unión de Pueblos y Organizaciones Sociales del Estado de Guerrero (UPOEG), and member of Coordinadora Regional de Autoridades Comunitarias-Policía Comunitaria (CRAC-PC), Guerrero, México (pre-taped audio).