076 Weight Gain and Depression: What’s The Connection?

The Healthy Mind with Dr. Zafirides show

Summary: Welcome to 6/5/13 podcast of The Healthy Mind with Dr. Zafirides. This week, Dr. Z discusses the link between weight gain and depression. Can obesity actually cause depression? Dr. Z breaks down the very latest research and explains it to you in such a unique way you're sure to never forget it! (hint: it involves balloons and cheerios!) This is vital information for anyone who struggles with depression and being overweight. Join us this week for a very informative podcast. Welcome!     In Health News:1. The Best Talk Therapy For Depression2. Why Does Mediation Calm Us?    All this, and “The Healthy Mind Headlines” on this week’s podcast! Welcome!!   NOTE: Any medical information published on this website is not intended as a substitute for informed medical advice and you should not take any action before consulting with a health care professional. For more information, please read our TERMS AND CONDITIONS.