MTR002: Linda Alton of MNToP Shares Powerful Meeting Tips! show

Summary: In this interview with Linda Alton of MNTop, Linda shares simple yet powerful meeting tips that you can start using right away!  Linda also shares how she helped develop the ORID and the Focused Conversation.  Linda then takes us on a fascinating journey from facilitating in Kenyan villages to corporate America.  Linda shares it all in this episode. Linda been part of the evolution of the Technology of Participation methods over much of the last 40 years period of time staff of the Institute of Cultural Affairs. She and her family worked with the ICA in the United States (San Francisco, Denver, Philadelphia, and then  outside of the U.S. for 20 years on Mactan Island, The Philippines, Kenya and Belgium; again, exploring what  works best in group environments and how to bring groups to new realizations   Linda's been using and helping to 'grow'  what emerged...the Technology of Participation - or 'ToP' methods, in Minneapolis, MN since 1996.   Minnesota Technology of Participation or MNToP is where you will find her website, programs, and tracks of the evolution and growth of the field of Facilitation. This Interview: Linda's Website: Linda's Training Courses: Linda's email: