Línea Abierta : REBEL. ALSO, DREAMERS.

Linea Abierta - English Description - Show in Spanish show

Summary: REBEL. The feature documentary Rebel, a film focusing on a Cuban immigrant woman who defied laws and risked her life to dress as a man and fight as a soldier in the U.S. Civil War, is being broadcast on the public television network PBS this week. The director is an award-winning filmmaker who immigrated to the United States without documents and eventually graduated from one of the nation's most prestigious universities. Guest: María Agui Carter, Writer/Producer/Director, Rebel, Cambridge, MA, www.iguanafilms.com/aboutus/maria/ ALSO, DREAMERS. As the immigration reform debate continues in Congress, young undocumented immigrants who were brought here as children have taken the reins to push for a path to legalization for all the undocumented. This is an interview with the author of a new book, Dreamers, La lucha de una generación por su sueño americano (Dreamers, The Struggle of a Generation for their American Dream). Guest: Eileen Truax, Columnist and Author, Dreamers, la lucha de una generación por su sueño americano, Los Angeles, CA, www.eileentruax.info