Línea Abierta : PRESCHOOL FOR ALL.

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Summary: PRESCHOOL FOR ALL. State funding for preschool decreased by over half a billion dollars last year, according to a new study. Cuts in many states have led to bigger class sizes and reductions in quality. Childcare subsidies have been drastically cut in California, effectively excluding many low-income children from preschool. President Obama has proposed universal preschool. Experts on the importance of early childhood education in the Latino community join this edition to discuss how to make quality preschool affordable for all. Guests: Celia Ayala, Ph.D., Executive Director, Los Angeles Universal Preschool, and Spokesperson, National Institute for Early Education Research (NIEER), Los Angeles, CA, www.laup.net , www.nieer.org ; Jennifer Maldonado, Mother of two, Parent Voices, Oakland, CA, www.parentvoices.org