WuiT #053: Robin Erik Ruizendaal

What's up in Taiwan show

Summary: Filed Under: Puppet Theatre, Museum. Download this interview! Robin Erik Ruizendaal is the Administrator of the Lin Liu-Hsin Puppet Theatre Museum; he has been living in Taiwan for the last 13 years. Dr. Ruizendaal earned a Ph.D. in Chinese studies from Leiden University in the Netherlands over 20 years ago, and he has been doing research on puppet theaters ever since, including extensive fieldwork in China and South-East Asia. He is also the Administrator as well as the Artistic Director of the Taiyuan Puppet Theatre Company and Museum. He has written and directed quite a number of plays for both actors and puppets. His plays have been performed in over 20 countries. In November 2005, the TTT Puppet Center moved to a permanent residence generously donated by Mrs. Lin, the widow of late Mr. Lin Liu-Hsin. In return for such generosity, the Center changed its name to Lin Liu-Hsin Puppet Theatre Museum. The Museum is located on Xi-Ning North Road, Dadaocheng, one of the oldest districts of Taipei and just a few steps from the Danshui Pier off historical Dihua Street. There are over 7,000 puppets in their collection, and there are over 300 performances each year. The show being presented this particular month is "The Child in the Elevator" about time travel; please check it out if you can. Last but not least, we would like to show our appreciation for Caroline Gluck for her introduction to Robin so we may complete this Interview. Caroline Is a journalist with BBC. Although she has declined our Invitation as a guest for a future episode, we are still hoping she might change her mind. Rate Episode #053:***** **** *** ** *    羅賓先生來自荷蘭,是荷蘭萊登大學漢學博士,他對中國布偶產生興趣,研究範圍遍及兩岸與東南亞,在台灣居住了13年,目前擔任林柳新紀念偶戲博物館館長與台原偶戲團藝術總監。 林柳新紀念偶戲博物館位於大稻埕,鄰近淡水碼頭的西寧北路上,成立於2005年11月,是由林柳新的夫人林錦華女士捐贈。該館收藏各式各樣的布偶七千餘個,每年的大小演出近三百場,這個月將推出“電梯裡的小孩”,歡迎朋友們前往觀賞。 在此要特別感謝Caroline Gluck小姐的推薦,讓我們能完成這次的訪問,Caroline是BBC的記者,雖然她婉拒我們訪問,我們還是希望她能改變主意。