


The Zelda Universe Community Podcast

ZUCast is our semi-monthly variety podcast. Each episode includes a series of short segments from different members of the Zelda Universe community and team of volunteers.

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Episode List

More Zelda Podcasts!

The Zelda community is full of amazing content creators hosting their own podcasts and sharing their passion for The Legend of Zelda, so we are sharing a few other series we think you will love.

A for No, B for Yes

A Legend of Zelda book club playing through the games one piece at a time and sharing their experiences.

Visit the A for No, B for Yes website

Another Zelda Podcast

Another Zelda Podcast is a show that covers anything about Zelda. Past episodes cover everything from the development of Ocarina of Time and favorite Gorons to a Zelda quiz.

Visit the Another Zelda Podcast website

Book of Mudora

Book of Mudora is a lore-focused series that explains the lore of the single Zelda game in each season.

Visit the Book of Mudora website

Chat of the Wild

Chat of the Wild deep dives into the Zelda series and other games inspired by the series. Each season includes multiple episodes focused on a single game.

Visit the Chat of the Wild website

Hello Hyrule

Hello Hyrule is a travelogue series discussing each location in the Zelda games in chronological order.

Visit the Hello Hyrule website

Hyrule Podcasters

Hyrule Podcasters is an audio-only Zelda let’s play series playing through the series in release order.

Visit the Hyrule Podcasters website

Sacred Realms

Sacred Realms is a Zelda retrospective podcast that analyzes a portion of a single Zelda game in each episode.

Visit the Sacred Realms website

The Hylian Gamescast

The Hylian Gamescast is a Nintendo and Zelda focused podcast that features interviews with various industry professionals and community creators.

Visit The Hylian Gamescast website

Triforce Trends shares short discussions and analysis that often focus on current Zelda news and upcoming game releases.

Visit the Triforce Trends website

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