No More techRiOT Podcast Until Official Site Launches

March 26, 2006 by

I apologize for the lack of podcasts but Pierre has been slaving away at creating the new site and I rather him work on the site than pull him a way to do a pdocast.  But there is good news.  Pierre has told me that the site WILL be done by Wednesday.  So expect to see the launch of the techrRiOT site at the end of the second week of April.  The reason why we are not launching the site immediately after it is done is to make sure that there are no bugs with the site.  Look out for the first editions of the macRiOT, gameRiOT and Diary of a WoW Noob podcasts a little after the launch of the new site.  So just stay tuned until the beginning of April and we will start delivering content on a more regular basis.

Where Is techRiOT Going?

March 13, 2006 by

Well, I will tell you where we are going! We’re going up, up, and UP!  I have decided to turn techRiOT into a network of podcasts, as well as keeping the techRiOT podcast.

Introducing the, techRiOT Network.  The techRiOT Network has four shows planned for the launch of the techRiOT Network.  Our shows are, techRiOT Podcast/Vidcast, The Mac Snack, The Diary of a WoW Noob, and Eyewitness Noobs.  I am going to discuss a bit about each podcast.

techRiOT Podcast/Vidcast: This is the same techRiOT podcast and vidcast you are all familiar with.  It is your technology news every week, hosted by Sam and co-hosted by Pierre and Bryce.  Now, we are going to video.  The first techRiOT Vidcast will coincide with the launch of the techRiOt Network.

The Mac Snack: This is a new show being hosted by Pierre about his switch to Apple, Mac news, and other Apple tips.  Sam will also be co-hosting on this show as well.  This show will also have a social web site devoted to Apple Tips and such.  This show does not have a release date.

The Diary of a WoW Noob: This is going to be a vidcast documenting Bryce as he starts out his life as a WoW player.  It will be a short video cast about once a week showing some of the noob things he does in WoW.  There will be a blog that Bryce will update frequently about latest happenings in the world of WoW.

Eyewitness Noobs: This will be a short vidcast about every 2-3 days showing a clip of someone being a noob in some game.  I will be commentating what is going on in the video.  This will be more of a humorous show

We had a lot more ideas for shows but we did not want to bite off more than I could chew.  We are working hard for this to come out and the techRiOT website is being worked on as we speak.  The Offical techRiOT website will be launched by June, possibly earler.  Stay tuned.

techRiOT Episode 4

March 11, 2006 by

Episode 4 is here! This week we discuss the Microsoft Origami, we talk about Intel’s IDF/CEbit announcements, we have our first of our new segment The Weekly Gadget Round-Up, we talk iTune’s Multi-Pass as well as other Apple News, and lastly we talk about the PS3 launch and other gaming news. Speaking of gaming news, this is the first episode with Bryce, our gaming expert. I hope you enjoy this podcast as much as we did.

Download the Mp3 Here

And here is the RSS Feed


-techRiOt Cast

The Almost Lost Episode 3

March 8, 2006 by

Wow, WordPress pooped itself and since I have not visited in a long time(SCHOOL) and I was not around to fix it. Well Episode 3 Was done on Friday March 3(I Think) and it was on the RSS feed so if you are subscribed to the feed you should already have it any way here it is.

Direct Download Here

Episode 3 ShowNotes Via Del.Icio.Us
Check It Out!

By The Way, This Thursday’s Podcast should be quite interesting because the Microsoft Origami details will be fully revealed and we will be there to tell you what it is!

Tune in Thursday.

Episode 2.5: Apple Special Event 2/28/06!

March 1, 2006 by

Here it is, our podcast abou the new products at the Apple Event.

Download the Mp3 here

Check out the show notes here
By the way, towards the end, I am emphasizing “Host” so my brother would realize that I am in the middle of a podcast.

Have a good one!

P.S. Check out the next episode on Thursday. This will be the first episode with Bryce so it should be a good one!

February 28th Predictions >> From Sam

February 28, 2006 by

Well, I was trying to keep the same format as Pierre’s predictions. So lets cut to the chase. Here is what I think from the most likely to the least likely.

1. Something no one expected-Why: Come on this is Apple we are talking about! They always have something up their sleeve.
1.Intel Mac Mini-Why:They originally released the Mac Mini at the same place they are tomorrow, they are overdue for a Mac Mini, and most rumor sites’ sources are saying this.
2.Intel Mac Mini w/ Media Center Functionality-Why: Everyone wants a Mac with advanced media capabilities, such as DVR and PVR functionality. And there is nothing more perfect for this media capabilities than a Mac Mini, it is sleek and small enough for your media room.

3.iPod VIDEO and iTunes Movie-Why: Apple has not made an Apple announcement in a long time and with the 1 billion songs on iTunes, it is the perfect time for an iPod and iTunes update and these are the only major updates left in line for the iPod and iTunes platform.

4.iPod Boombox: Well, it supposedly has been in production for a long time so why not! I mean we all know that Apple has been working on a lot of iPod accessories, so hopefully this one is it!

Well those are my guesses! I am probably wrong though. The only way to know is if you are Steve Jobs or wait until tomorrow.

Don’t Forget To Download Our Special Podcast Tomorrow For Coverage On What Happened At Apple Special Event 2/28!

February 28th Predictions >> From Pierre

February 28, 2006 by

Hey all, It’s the day before the big day for all us nerds.  At least one of the big days that is, and tonight I’ll be making my guess on what we’ll be seeing tommorow from Apple in Cupertino.  Alright, let’s get down to business! (bullet style)

  • Mac Mini with DVR functionality and an intel core Solo for the 499 and 599, Duo for 699
  • updated iTunes media Store, with movies available for download
  • updated iBook with Intel Core Solo for the 999, and Duo for 1299, 13.3 inch display
  • talking about the iPod behind bars, not yet shipping, but a peek at it.

Yeh, Sam made me hurriedly write these down, so I didn’t have time to mull over it too much.. but we’ll see if I am right tommorow!

by the way, make sure to download the podcast tommorow for our special edition coverage of the apple special event, and our analysis of it. 

Later all!

Pierre Page Is Up! Version 1.0! Podcast Tuesday, Coverage on Apple Special Event!

February 27, 2006 by

For now on we will be posting all of the week’s stories on This way you can easily find stories from each episode by selecting the EpisodeX tag, the X being the episode number.  Episode 1 is absent from the page because well that leads to my next announcement.  Due to my recent discovery of how many listeners we have.  We have decided to finally release Version 1.0.  There won’t be any website updates until 1.5 but we are just letting you know since we have reached 197 listeners(Small? Yes. Way more than I Expected? Yes.) we feel that we have finally became the first version becaue we have set dates, set cast, set hosting, and or currently working on a set website. We are working on doing a trial vidcast, so keep your eyes peeled.  By the way we will have a short podcast this Tuesday to discuss what goes down at The Aple Special Event!  Check us out Tuesday!

Episode 2 Is Here! I need a better microphone!

February 27, 2006 by

Its Here!  We will have our links up on our account, here is the link!


Also look out for our episode this Tuesday, it will be a short episode about what went down at the Apple Event.  Plus, I am buying a microphone for this Tuesday for the podcast.  I can not be heard at all!

iTunes Link

February 12, 2006 by

We have just been aproved by iTunes and now we are available through the iTunes Music Store. You can subscribe to us through iTunes.
