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1 Kings

After the death of King David, his son, Solomon, took the throne over a united Israel. Under Solomon’s leadership, Israel saw her rise in size and glory. Within this rise came Solomon’s greatest accomplishment - the building of the Temple. The construction and grandeur of the temple brought about worldwide notoriety and respect towards Solomon and Israel as a whole. However, amidst this great rise emerged a great fall due to the divided heart of the King. This divided heart eventually led to a divided Kingdom (The Northern Kingdom – Israel versus the Southern Kingdom – Judah). Join Pastor Livingston as VBVMI dives into an in-depth study of the history of the divided kingdom.

Parable of the Leaven

Leaven in scripture is often synonymous with sin, so it’s no wonder why Jesus utilizes leaven as an example of the progressive period of growth within the Church Age to emphasize the growing corruption within Christendom. Within this teaching of the Parable of the Leaven, we will understand the necessary measures by which believers must entrust themselves to the study of scripture and to be weary of false teaching within the Church. Join VBVMI as Pastor Wesley addresses corruption within the universal churches today regarding certain biblical doctrines that have caused many in the faith to go astray. Webinar given as part of VBVMI's Parable series.

What caused Old Testament believers to do anything righteous or pleasing to God?

First, the Holy Spirit has always been required to bring a person to saving faith and also to glorify God, whether before or after Christ's death and resurrection. It was this way for the believing in Israel: IS. 44:2 Thus says the LORD who made…

1 Kings

After the death of King David, his son, Solomon, took the throne over a united Israel. Under Solomon’s leadership, Israel saw her rise in size and glory.


The book of Ecclesiastes reveals the introspective journey of one who desired to enjoy the best of life in the temporal sense and to also leave a lasting legacy of his life for others. In these pursuits, he tried everything imaginable to achieve his goals, yet by the end of his life, he sadly discovered that not only was he not able to achieve this by his wisdom and efforts, but the very pursuit of these goals was empty and reflected a life lived in vain. The author’s desire is to guide others away from these mistakes and to seek instead the things of true lasting value. We are to mature from the temporal perspective of life to an eternal perspective and completely trust in the unknowable sovereign God of the universe and His ordained perfect plan.

Are Swedenborg’s teachings biblical?

Though followers of Swedenborg's teachings and churches are often upright, conscientious and decent people (and though they portray themselves as Christians), nevertheless they are not Christian according to the word of God. After extensive research…


Noted as Paul’s most affectionate letter, the book of Philippians captures Paul’s immense love and care for the Philippian church. In this book, the Apostle Paul centers his writing on the believer’s need to remain resolute amid great suffering. The theme of his message centers on the joy found in Christ in all things. In this verse by verse, expositional study through the book of Philippians, Pastor Livingston will show how the Apostle Paul, through great compassion, hopeful confidence, and loving warning, steers the believers to experience true joy in living, serving, knowing, and resting in Christ. Note: Philippians 1A is an introduction to the book, originally presented by former Pastor Stephen Armstrong.

About Us

Verse by Verse Ministry International is a non-profit, non-denominational, unaffiliated Christian ministry that is dedicated to promoting the preaching and teaching of God's Word clearly and boldly. We present the study of God's Word in its proper historical and theological context, and for the purposes God has ordained: to persuade the unbeliever of the truth of the Gospel and to equip the saints for the work of ministry.

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