Aprende español con audiotextos gratuitos

Friday, April 19th 2024 820 published chapters 12932 users
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Welcome to Audiria.com

Audiria is an online tool which freely supports your learning of Spanish, offering podcasts to increase your knowledge of the language.

Today's podcast 8/108/108/108/108/10 (12 votes)
Arroz con ajos tiernos y lomo...
Channel: Kitchen - Difficulty level: 1
Sunday, February 03rd 2013


Select a channel of your choice and practice only with those chapters you are interested in.

Beginners  Beginners   Songs  Songs   Slow  Slow   

In English  In English   Kitchen  Kitchen   Grammar  Grammar   

Culture  Culture   Pictures  Pictures   Books  Books   

Press  Press   Short scenes  Short scenes   Daily scenes  Daily scenes   

TV  TV   Radio  Radio   Movies  Movies   

Humour  Humour   Spain  Spain   History  History   

Art  Art   Don Quijote  Don Quijote   

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Most popular podcasts

M�s populares
Charlando sobre la crisis
¡Tenemos que ir a la farmacia!
En el cine
Vocabulario relacionado con el estado anímico
Los saludos
De vuelta tras un viaje de trabajo
El regalo
Los regalos de Navidad
Aventuras en la montaña
El esquí

Best podcasts

Presentación de Audiria
¡Tenemos que ir a la farmacia!
Comer en España: bares, restaurantes, ventas, tascas, mesone...
Los regalos de Navidad
Un fin de semana dedicado a la limpieza
¿Grande o gran? ¿Primero o primer? Las apócopes
Sin miedo a nada (Alex Ubago)
Elementos de conversación I
Poema XX de Pablo Neruda
Un día de nieve



In this section you will find thousands of idioms, short sentences, and longer sentences to learn vocabulary and sentence construction.


Spanish Tests/Exercises

Test your Spanish level with any of the following tests.


Audio tests

  1. Interviews
  2. Short scenes

Vocabulary tests

  1. Pictures
  2. Long phrases
  3. Short phrases
  4. Idioms
  5. Vocabulary
  6. What is its name?
  7. Similar vocabulary

Grammar tests

  1. Beginners (Level 0)
  2. Grammar (Level>0)
  3. Sentence building (Level 0)
  4. Sentence building (Level 2)
  5. Definite and indefinite articles (Level 1)
  6. Place adjectives and pronouns (Level 1)
  7. Possesive adjectives and pronouns (Level 1)
  8. Prepositions (Level 2)
  9. Reflexive pronouns (Level 2)
  10. Object pronouns (Level 3)

Tests defined by Audiria users

Add your own question
  1. Level 0 tests
  2. Level 1 tests
  3. Level 2 tests
  4. Level 3 tests
  5. Level 4 tests

Audiria ranking

These are the best Spanish students in Audiria during the last month: those that have made and proposed more exercises.

Points Name Weeks at the top
100Guaraciara Antonio De Souza Silva0
100Mila Shibanova0
60Herbert Bieser0

Audiria offers you freely:

  • Podcasts in Spanish with their transcription.
  • Different chapter "channels" along the week.
  • Podcasts organized by difficulty level.
  • Different exercises associated to each podcast.
  • Personal stats to follow-up your scores.
  • A collection of complementary learning resources.
  • A completely free book of grammar and vocabulary.
  • Brief grammatical lessons in podcast format.
  • A free iTunes podcast

Introduction chapter
First birthday
Chapter 501
Second birthday
Third birthday
Fourth birthday
Fifth birthday


Audiria was elected an official project of the UNESCO International Year of Languages

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