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Green Radio
Sean Daily
Green Radio helps you lead a more eco-friendly lifestyle. Navigate the explosion of green and ecology-oriented products and services with host, Sean Daily, CEO and co-founder of Support the environment by changing your preferences and behaviors, not by simply increasing consumerism. Sean entertains and educates you with smart choices on products and services in the green world through interviews with innovative and caring companies, authors and experts from around the world. Hear the critical issues facing the global environment today, as well as the technologies, products and practices you can employ to go green in every area of your life including alternative energy and fuels, green building and remodeling materials and practices, organic and natural foods, natural medicine and health, hybrid and electric cars and motorcycles, eco-tourism and green hospitality, forestry management and green printing, green real estate, co-housing communities, natural body care, recyclable carpet and clothing, eco-friendly diapers, wind-powered appliances, solar water heating, fair trade consumables, organic wine and viticulture, bio-dynamic farming, recyclable shopping bags, green office practices, green banking and all of the freshest ideas in green living!


The Story of Stuff with Author Annie Leonard

GreenTalk Radio host Sean Daily talks with author Annie Leonard about her book The Story of Stuff.Stuff. We're continually dealing with finding it, buying it, selling it, trading it, and disposing of it... There's no doubt that dealing with stuff is a huge part of most people's l... Read More


Extracting Pure Water from Thin Air with Wayne Ferreira of EcoloBlue

GreenTalk Radio host Sean Daily talks with Wayne Ferreira of EcoloBlue about water extracting from air that is pure and tastes like water from the highest mountain stream.


Simple, Delicious, and Natural Cooking with Mariel Hemingway

GreenTalk radio host Sean Daily talks with film and TV actress, author, and natural living advocate Mariel Hemingway about her new book and website Mariel's Kitchen.  She created Mariel's Kitchen™ in hopes of defining a new awareness for better health choices. The concept ... Read More


Sourcing Sustainable Consumer and Office Products with BuyGreen

GreenTalk Radio host Sean Daily talks about buying products that are "better for you and better for the planet" with  Doug Farquar. founder and CEO of BuyGreen. Doug helped to create the site in response to his own search for earth-friendly products. The goal of BuyGreen is ... Read More


Fabien Cousteau: Continuing a Legacy of Ocean Adventure and Activism

Host Sean Daily talks with Fabien Cousteau, grandson of world famed explorer  Jacques-Yves Cousteau, about his efforts to preserve our ocean ecosystems. The discussion covers rising sea levels, seas of floating plastic garbage, ocean pollution and disappearing marine life sp... Read More


Attacking Water Waste with Laura Allen of Greywater Guerrillas

GreenTalk Radio Host Sean Daily talks about Greywater with Laura Allen, co-author of "Guerrilla Greywater Girls Guide to Water" about her work towards a sustainable water future for all.


Green Blogger Series: Chris Baskind of Lighter Footstep

GreenTalk Radio host Sean Daily talks with Founder and Editor of and, Chris Baskind, about being an eco-publisher and blogger, going car-free, bicycles, and living cheap as the new green.


Global Drinking Water Shortages and How You Can Help with Denise Russo of Thirst Aid Live

GreenTalk Radio's Sean Daily speaks to Denise Russo of Thirst Aid Live. The lack of clean, safe drinking water is presently one of the most critical issues for much of the world's population, and a full-blown crisis for many of the world's poor nations. Consider this st... Read More


GreenTalk Radio’s Green Blogger Series: Ariel Schwartz of Fast Company and Cleantechnica

GreenTalk Radio's Sean Daily speaks with Ariel Schwartz, a writer and blogger focused on cleantech and related topics. She serves as the editor of, a blogger for, and a writer for She has worked in publishing, organic farming an... Read More


Bringing Safe Drinking Water to Developing Nations with LifeStraw

GreenTalk Radio's Sean Daily talks to Peter Cleary about LifeStraw, a water purifier that helps to get access to safe drinking water at home and outside in regions where water is an issue. LifeStraw is made by Vestergaard Frandsen. an international company speciali... Read More
