狗熊有话说 show


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  • Artist: 大狗熊
  • Copyright: Copyright ©狗熊有话说 2012-2018


 152期:生活·狗熊讨薪故事集 – Shut up and give my money back! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:49:26

  很多时候,做 app 其实就是做项目,和其他的工程也没什么区别,到最后,结款也是一个听起来最简单,但往往是最难的环节。我在结款这件事上的经历,可是比那些爬楼顶的农民工兄弟们有趣多了。至少,你没有听说过有人因为欠款发短信给债主说,他已经死了吧……嗯,我就是那个债主。今天这期节目,我们聊聊互联网从业者(农民工)大狗熊,也曾经有过的各种苦逼的讨薪故事,用我的这些不开心的往事,让你开心一下。 App developing is a outsourcing project sometimes, getting money is the last part, and always the hardest part. I had a lot of rediculous stories about it, and I’ll share these getting-money-back stories with you, so, shut up and give my money back!

 151期:科技·不是最好的表,让你做更好的你 – Apple Watch wants you be a better man | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:36:49

作为苹果推出的第一款手表,也是苹果的第一件可穿戴设备, Apple Watch 我已经使用了快有15天的时间了。作为一个开发者,我对于它在未来可以展开的可能性无限兴奋,而作为普通的用户,我预料到了它并没有炫耀式的惊艳功能。如果我还像早几年刚刚接触苹果产品时那样喜欢酷炫另类的东西,我可能会对这件并不“酷”的苹果产品感觉平平,甚至还会有些失望。但现在,我知道,这是一件我正好想要,而且真正需要的科技产品。并且,它可能会用一种平平淡淡却粘性十足的方式,非常真切地改变我们的生活。 I had my Apple Watch on my wrist for nearly 15 days. As a developer, I’m really excited about the possibilities of this new product. As a user, I found it is not a real fancy digital item. But I know it is something I need for a long time. And Apple Watch may change our life with subtle ways.

 150期:阅读·女巫一定得死 – The witch must die | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:59:46

我对童话的认识,不久前经历了三观重塑的状态。我知道了小红帽的原版里竟然有脱衣舞的描写,我知道了灰姑娘的姐姐是把自己的脚砍掉的,我也知道了,为什么每一次好莱坞要拍传统的童话题材,里面女巫的角色一定是所有媒体和观众关注的焦点,甚至要盖过了电影的女主角。我也知道了,为什么童话故事里的女巫,一定得死。你想知道么?听吧! I have a whole new view about the classic fairytales now. I know there are sexual descriptions in the Little Red Hat, I know Cinderella’s sisters chopped their feet to fit the shoe, I know the witch in the fairytales must die at last. Why? Well, you will find the answer in this episode by yourself.

 149期:岁念·就喜欢话唠因为我也是 – I like nattering because I’m a chatterer | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:53:06

这期节目的标题来自于一位听友的留言:“大狗熊,我觉得你是一个话痨。可是我就是很喜欢话痨,因为我也是。”当然可以把节目做到快两个小时,我必须就是一个话唠。这期岁念,和你聊聊我在生日当天去苹果的实验室测试 Apple Watch 的事,聊聊血泪讨债的史,聊聊我们不小心弄出来的人气 app i佛珠,最后其实有一大半,还是聊的你们的声音。所以其实,你也是个话唠,对不? The idea of the episode’s name came from an audience’s comment. She said: “ Big bear, I think you are a non-stop chatterer, but I like it, because I am one of them.”I am one of chatterer too, so I can record a episode need 2 hours to listen. I will talk something about Apple Watch, something about how to get my money back, and something about iFozhu, a hot app we’ve just published. And the major part is still your voices. 音乐: 1. The Rat within the grain – Damian Rice 2. Spicks and Specks – Bee Gees 3. 少年维持着烦恼 – 黄玠 4. FourFive Seconds – Rihanna 5. What It’s Like – Everlast 6. Vultures – Folly and the Hunter

 148期:阅读·阿伦森“绝非偶然”的一生 – Aronson’s life as a social psychologist | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:45:51

Elliot Aronson 是二十世纪最杰出的心理学家之一,他所著的《社会性动物》被誉为“美国社会心理学的《圣经》”。他,从一个普通家庭的穷小子开始,师从各种大师,最终成为哈佛、斯坦佛的名教授。在生命的最后阶段,他写了一本自传,名叫《绝非偶然》( Not by Chance Alone: My Life as a Social Psychologist),讲述了他这一生的故事。这期节目,我们来聊聊心理学大师阿伦森和他的《绝非偶然》。 Elliot Aronson is the grand master in social psychology, he came from a normal family and became a famous professor in Harvard and Stanford University. In his last days, in wrote a book, Not by Chance Alone: My Life as a Social Psychologist. In this episode, I’d like to share his stories with you.

 147期:阅读·低智商社会的坂上之云 – Dumbing down in an ascending world | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:56:50

大前研一是日本有名的思想家和商业实践者,我曾经录制过分享他的著作《专业主义》的专题节目。不久前,我刚刚读完他的新著作《低智商社会》,阅读的时候,我一直在思考一个问题:如果日本人都说自己进入了一个低智商的社会时期而感到紧张的话,那么天天被抗日神剧和各类选秀包围的我们,几乎没有太多阅读量的中国人,是不是会对集体低智商化这样的趋势会感触更深呢? * 相关阅读: * 《专业主义》 – 大前研一 * 《坂上之云》 – 司马辽太郎 * “黑船来航”事件 Kenichi Ohmae is a famous scholar and commercial leader in Japan, I’ve produced an episode about his book before. After reading his book: “知の衰退”からいかに脱出するか?―そうだ!仆はユニークな生き方をしよう!! ’( The descending of Intelligence ), I had a question in my mind. ” If a Japanese worries about the descending of the society’s intelligence, what about a Chinese’s opinion about our society with lot of shallow TV programs? Do we have the same problem? Or, is it much worse in China?”

 146期:阅读·奔跑的力量 – How to find your ultra | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:51:01

我在今年春节前,读完了一本名叫《奔跑的力量》的书。这是关于一位经历过酗酒、超重、离婚和自我怀疑等种种危机的中年男人Rich Roll,最终成为了传奇式的铁人三项赛Ultraman运动员的真实故事。诗人梭罗曾说过:男人们在沉静的绝望中生活。这时梭罗那个时代的真实写照,也可能更加适用于描绘当代生活。你是否甘愿在沉静的绝望中生活呢?或者也像Roll一样,突破绝望,最后找到自己生活的意义?今天这期播客,我们来聊聊Roll寻找自我极限的自传:《奔跑的力量》。 I’ve read a good book during my spring festival holiday, it was about a man with a lot of problems ( intemperance, over-weight, divorce and self-doubting ) conquered his fear, became a legendary iron-man triathlon athlete. It’s a true story, an inspiring story. If Rich Roll, the writer of the book Finding Ultra can do it, why don’t I try to do something similar? In this episode, I wanna share something with you from the book: Finding Ultra.

 145期:现场·奔跑在重庆森林 – Running in the Chongqing forest | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:43:09

  这期节目,是来自于重庆马拉松的现场,最原始的运动时的感受和记录。希望收听节目的你,也能和我一起感受现场的气氛。如果你是一位喜欢跑步的朋友,可能这样的声音会让你感到非常亲切。如果你不怎么运动,那么想想大狗熊曾经0.1吨的体重吧。如果连一只熊都可以跑个全程马拉松的话,你为什么不能也跑起来呢? This episode is the live recording from ChongQing International Marathon 2015. I hope you can feel the atmosphere as I felt there. If you are a runner, the recording from the race probably make you feel wanna run now. If you don’t think you can run, think about my 0.1t-weight 4 years ago. If a big bear can run a full marathon, why don’t you give it a try?

 144期:岁念·岁月不是一把杀猪刀 – Time is not the killer for your life | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:37:41

  岁月曾经令我们咄咄逼人,现在则让我喋喋不休,可以一期岁念节目啰嗦上100分钟。但它似乎并不像大家说的那样,是一把杀猪刀,因为你也其实并不是砧板上的猪肉吧?我上周刚刚参加完重庆马拉松,在返回昆明的飞机上整理照片时,无意发现了8年前自己的照片,竟然比现在的自己还老!杀死我们的,并不是时间,而是热情的消失、对生活的失控、对欲望的不节制,以及对自己的随波逐流。 Time is a strange thing that made us sharp when we were young, and make me talk endlessly now. But time is not the killer for your life, you are not a piece of pork anyway. I found my photos of 2007, and it looks that I’m younger than 8 years ago! Time is not the killer for your life, lack of passion, out of control of your goal, intemperance of desire, these are the real killer for your life. 音乐: Rhye – Open Deptford Goth – Feel Real The XX – VCR

 143期:阅读·跟着会合气道的飞行教练学做事 – Aikido, pilot trainer and mastery | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:49:53

《如何把事情做好》(Mastery)这本书在1992年出版后就一直畅销至今,它的作者乔治·伦纳德 (George Leonard)在战争年代是飞行员,在和平年代是有自己道场的合气道黑带教练,于是这本讲学习和成长的书也有了一些不太一样的质感。我特别喜欢他对学习成长平台期的理解,恰恰表达出了我内心对成长过程的隐隐约约的感觉。 Mastery is a very popular book since the first time it was published at 1992. The writer, George Leonard was a pilot trainer and also a aikido master, his experience gives this book a unique style and rich content, although it is a small book. I really like his description about plateau of learning, it is how I exactly feel about the period of learning progress.

 142期:现场·突破自己边界的喜悦 – Joy of living outside the lines | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:06:44

这是一期我在云南广播电台的直播节目里讲述我的播客故事的现场录音,当我自己聆听这些录音时,我也在想,制作播客这几年,我从中获得的最大收获是什么?目前来看,如果真的要总结的话,做播客的经历带给我的,应该是一种突破自己狭小的朋友圈、生活圈、工作圈和能力圈的局限的体验。通过播客的制作,我得以拓展甚至跨越自己的边界,感受到自己边界之外的那个世界的无比精彩,这是它带给我的最大收获。 This episode is mainly from the recording of a live show at Yunnan Radio, which I shared some stories of producing podcast with host and audience. When I listened the recording, I also try to answer the question: What do you get from producing BearTalk? My answer is that I got the joy of living outside the lines. I got the experience of breaking my limitation on a lot of things. I saw different things through different views, that’s the gold I got from BearTalk.

 141期:思考·突围时空的第四种选择 – The 4th option of breaking the rule | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:47:10

  柴静的纪录片《穹顶之下》把雾霾的环境问题搬到了大众的眼前,这部纪录片很牛逼,但今天我不想详细聊雾霾的生成原因与治理防治的方法,我只想向正在听节目的你提出这样的一个问题:如果有一份理想的工作,一份你梦寐以求的工作,刚好在像北京这样的一个严重污染不合适小朋友和老人居住的城市,那么你会如何选择呢?第一种选择:离开家人,争取到这份工作,和亲人两地分居;第二种选择:放弃这个机会,和家人继续生活在慢节奏却相对比较健康家居的城市;第三种选择:和家人一起,搬到污染的城市,争取到这个你心仪的机会,但你的家人也需要和你一起,牺牲自己的健康。这三个选择,你会选哪一个呢?这个选择艰难无比是吗?其实,还有隐藏的一种选择,一种不用做出巨大的放弃和牺牲的选择,一个可以兼顾梦想、亲情和健康的选择,这是一条看起来好像是黑乎乎的,也没多少在走的小路,但走上一段距离之后,迎接你的将是霍然开朗的桃花源,这就是突破时间和空间藩篱的第四种选择。 The popular documentary ‘Under the Dome’ by Chai Jing brought the environment issue to the focus of our society, it is a great job, but I don’t wanna talk about the environment issue in this episode, instead of it, I wanna ask a question to you: If there is a perfect job for you in Beijing, a city not fit living for children and elders, will you take it? Option 1: Leave your family and take the job. Option 2: Give up the job; Option 3: Take your family with you for the job, and sacrifice your health. This is a tough question, right? Actually, there is an hidden option. An option without big sacrifice, an option can give attention to dream, family and health. The 4th option of breaking the rule.

 140期:岁念·找到爱做的事就是找到了自由 – Find something you love and you find freedom too | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:26:37

  春节假期刚刚结束,假期造成的后遗症就是智商降低,体重增加,所幸这期是岁念节目,对智商的消耗不大,适合回归工作态时听。本期标题来自印度思想大师克里希那穆提的一句话:“一旦发现真正爱做的事,你就是一个自由的人了,然后你就会有能力、信心和主动创造的力量。但是如果你不知道自己真正爱做的是什么,你只好去做人人羡慕的律师、政客或这个那个,于是你就不会快乐,因为那份职业会变成毁灭你自己及其他人的工具。” After the Spring Festival holiday, I felt my mind dull as well as my weight too. Maybe you feel the same, so this episode which is really not solid probably just for you. The title of the episode comes from Krishnamti, an India guru, “Once you find something you really love, you are a freeman. Then you will have the ability, confidence and the willing to create. But if you don’t know what you really love to do, you would become a lawyer, politician or something, you wouldn’t be happy.” 音乐: 金城武,陈升 – 快乐些 Coldplay – Miracles

 139期:阅读·黑天、猛虎和少年派 – Krishina, tiger and Life of Pi | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:41:35

我为什么会如此喜欢《少年派的奇幻漂流》(Life of Pi)这部作品?因为神奇的印度;因为“黑天张开嘴,人们在她嘴里看到整个宇宙”;因为“你们看到的只是虚幻的表面”;因为电影片尾中年派那段含泪的独白;因为小说原著那个比猛虎的身影还利落的,充满信任与温暖的结尾;因为这是一部横亘幻想与现实的壁垒的杰作;因为看完这部电影和小说原著之后,我能表达的是那么少,却能想到那么多。 Why I felt so touched after watching the movie and reading the novel: Life of Pi ? Because of the incredible India. Because of the myth: Krishina opened his mouth, the entire universe is contained in his mouth. Because of “what you see is just illusion.” Because of Pi’s unsaid goodbye to Richard Parker. Because of the fierce and warm ending of the novel. Because it is an masterpiece combining reality and imagination. Because when I watched it, I felt so many things, but I found my expression was really poor.

 138期:阅读·《失控》的数字吟游史诗 – Odýsseia of the Digital World | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:31:53

  一期短短的,只有几K字节信息量的音频播客,当然无法把50多万字的技术思想巨者《失控》的所有内容表达得清清楚楚,这样的企图绝对也会失控。我虽然在2013年,两年前就阅读完了这本书,但一直也因为这本书的厚重思想,对它敬而远之,记录了一些摘记,却根本不敢去试图整理,更不要说制作一期专题节目了。但当我真正理解了什么是“失控”,我就想通了。Out of Control,并不是一个贬义的形容,而是我们面对未来必须要去经历的思维模式的转变。 在这样一个高度信息化的世界,充满无数不确定性的世界,工业时代的“全面控制”已经没有了意义。对于个体也是这样,想要完成一个“完美的作品”,试图在一个有限的书架中描绘“无限的图书馆”,或是试图用一期1小时以内的节目展现出他人经历几十年思考的成果,这种控制的企图是不可能的。我能做的,就是以“失控”的状态,做一期自由的节目,从而可以让一些朋友对这本艰深的书和它的观点产生兴趣,并且表达出我的一些感受。不去考虑完善、完美与完整,这种失控,其实也是一种对待生活的态度。这个时代的一个巨大的秘密,或者说是一个吊诡就在于 :要想赢 ,先放手 。 制作这样一期节目,我也在进化,就像书里说的:进化并未完全超脱我们的控制 ;放弃某些控制只不过是为了更好地利用它 。我们在工程中引以为傲的东西 — —精密性 、可预测性 、准确性以及正确性 — —都将为进化所淡化 。正如本书标题所点明的 ,进化的代价就是 — —失控 。 I don’t think I can tell you every point and opinion of the book: Out of Control, after all, it’s an immense book with 700 pages. The attempt of total control my expression will definitely out of control. Then I realized, out of control is not a bad thing, it is something we have to face to enter the future age. Total control for everything, is the habit of the industry-age, and it becomes meaningless now. And for individual it is the same. I can’t show you everything of a man’s thought for decades in a 30 minutes audio podcast. I let it go and try to not think about complete, perfect and exactness, and I got evolution in return. The evolution of my thought, and maybe yours. The price for evolution is Out of Control. 相关: KK的个人网站 大狗熊:《失控》阅读摘记 “失控”的维基百科页面 数字乌托邦 蜂群思维下的“众包”实验–《失控》后记


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