Literature Podcasts

Librivox: Famous Men of Modern Times by Haaren, John H. show

Librivox: Famous Men of Modern Times by Haaren, John H.Join Now to Follow

Famous Men of Modern Times is a series of biographical sketches written for the purpose of making the study of history lively and interesting by giving insight into the men who lived during this time. Summary by Laura Caldwell

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Librivox: Western United States, The by Fairbanks, Harold W. show

Librivox: Western United States, The by Fairbanks, Harold W.Join Now to Follow

"In preparation of this book the author has had in mind the needs of the upper grammar grades. The subject matter has not been selected with the object of covering the field of Western geography in a systematic manner, but instead the attempt has been made to picture as graphically as may be some of its more striking and interesting physical features, and the influence which these features have exerted upon its discovery and settlement." (from the Preface of The Western United States)

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Librivox: Myricae by Pascoli, Giovanni show

Librivox: Myricae by Pascoli, GiovanniJoin Now to Follow

Myricae, è la raccolta di poesie più amata dal Pascoli. [...] Nel 1903, la raccolta definitiva comprendeva 156 liriche del poeta. I componimenti in esso raccolti sono dedicati al ciclo delle stagioni, al lavoro dei campi e alla vita contadina. Il titolo indica la modestia e la semplicità della poetica. Le myricae, le umili tamerici, diventano un simbolo delle tematiche del Pascoli ed evocano riflessioni profonde. La descrizione realistica cela un significato più ampio così che, dal mondo contadino si arriva poi ad un significato universale. La rappresentazione della vita nei campi e della condizione contadina è solo all'apparenza il messaggio che il poeta vuole trasmettere con le sue opere. [...] Il significato delle Myricae, va quindi oltre l'apparenza. (Summary from Wikepedia)

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Librivox: Men of Iron by Pyle, Howard show

Librivox: Men of Iron by Pyle, HowardJoin Now to Follow

Men of Iron by Howard Pyle is historical fiction that transports us back to the 1400's, a time of knighthood and chivalry. Myles Falworth is eight years old when news comes they must flee their home. His blind father is accused of treason. We see Myles grow up, train as a knight, and with perseverance, clear his father of any wrong-doing and restore their family name. (Summary by Laura Caldwell)

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Librivox: Selected Poems by Currer, Ellis and Acton Bell by Brontë sisters show

Librivox: Selected Poems by Currer, Ellis and Acton Bell by Brontë sistersJoin Now to Follow

Poems by Currer, Ellis and Acton Bell was a volume of poetry published jointly by the three Bronte sisters, Charlotte, Emily and Anne in 1846, and their first work to ever go in print. To evade contemporary prejudice against female writers, the Bronte sisters adopted androgynous first names. Marked by profound sentiments, gravity and melodious harmony, the poems are strewn on the fields of soulful love, rueful reminiscence and the immortal yearnings of a Christian soul, and represent a fragrant assemblage of noetic flowers from the glebes of olden England. For those not familiar with the Bronte sisters' poetry, it should be noted that many of their poems were written in the context of their fictional, shared worlds of Gondal and Angria. (Written by Ellis Christoff)

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Librivox: Poèmes Saturniens by Verlaine, Paul show

Librivox: Poèmes Saturniens by Verlaine, PaulJoin Now to Follow

Poèmes saturniens est le titre du premier recueil de poèmes de Paul Verlaine. Si Verlaine convoque Saturne, c'est en tant que planète tutélaire des mélancoliques, bien que le mot même de mélancolie n'apparaisse pas dans le poème (il donne toutefois son titre à la première section du recueil). Wikipedia

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Librivox: Stories of Animal Sagacity by Kingston, William Henry Giles show

Librivox: Stories of Animal Sagacity by Kingston, William Henry GilesJoin Now to Follow

300+ short stories of how smart and savvy various individual animals have been seen to be, and in most cases a little moral is drawn from the story. (Summary by Allyson Hester)

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Librivox: Poems of Marianne Moore by Moore, Marianne show

Librivox: Poems of Marianne Moore by Moore, MarianneJoin Now to Follow

In 1921, American poet H.D. collected and published a selection of previously published poems by Marianne Moore. Although this angered Moore, as it was entirely unauthorized, she later accepted the edition as well made and used it as the basis for her own 1924 publication of Obersvations. Moore's unique poetry matches the experimentation underway during the American Modernist movement. Much of it incorporates seemingly out-of-place quotations into complex free verse that often uses Nature as a subject matter. Today, despite the self-motivated alteration of her poetry in later life, done much to the dismay of her devotees, scholars consider Moore a significant American poet worthy of intense study in an a unalterable place in the canon. (Summary by Oscar Goff)

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Librivox: Fables de La Fontaine, livre 09 by La Fontaine, Jean de show

Librivox: Fables de La Fontaine, livre 09 by La Fontaine, Jean deJoin Now to Follow

Jean de La Fontaine poursuit son oeuvre pédagogique par la mise en scène des turpitudes et travers des humains. Le fabuliste rafine son écriture, les textes de ce neuvième livre sont plus étendus et le style plus travaillé.Pour la première fois, Jean de La Fontaine s'adresse nommément à un représentant de la noblesse dans un discours adressé à Madame de la Sablière. Ce texte sera repris et complété dans la première fable du livre suivant (dixième): Les deux rats, le Renard et l'Oeuf. (Jean Lambert)

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Librivox: Letters from England, 1846-1849 by Bancroft, Elizabeth Davis show

Librivox: Letters from England, 1846-1849 by Bancroft, Elizabeth DavisJoin Now to Follow

Elizabeth Bancroft went to England with her husband, historian George Bancroft, for three of the most dynamicy years in European hstory. As Ambassador to England from the United States, George moved in the highest circles. In his wife's letters to their sons, her uncle, her brother, and Mrs. Polk (the President's wife), we see glimpses not only of early Victorian English life, but also of Queen Victoria herself! Mrs. Bancroft speaks of dinners with Benjamin Disraeli, visits to Wordsworth, weekends in the country with Louis Napolean and Sir Robert Peel with such matter of fact aplomb that one cannot help being impressed.

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