15 Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

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Institute of Psychiatry feeds show

Summary: For Mr Ben Shephard - Noted historian, journalist and commentator. Author of 'War of Nerves', the much praised history of the effect of war on the mind, and the often ineffective ways in which military psychiatry seeks to prevent this. Dr Derek Summerfield - Consultant Psychiatrist, SLAM Honorary Senior Lecturer, Institute of Psychiatry. Consultant to OXFAM. Principal Psychiatrist, Medical Foundation for the Victims of Torture. Research Associate, Refugees Study Centre, Oxford University. Leading critique of the medicalisation of distress via the diagnosis of PTSD, and strong critic of western psychiatric aid programmes to those in other cultures exposed to the horrors of disaster or war. Against Doctor Chris Freeman - Consultant Psychiatrist and Psychotherapist, Royal Edinburgh Hospital, Edinburgh. Director of the Colin Rivers Centre, PTSD clinic, Edinburgh and responsible for the Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapy Unit, Royal Edinburgh Hospital. Chairman, Royal College Research Committee. Mr Andrew Buchan - Leading barrister for PTSD; Junior Counsel in the ground-breaking Walker stress case; Counsel in the Long v Mercury Mobile Communications: £327,500 for a first breakdown caused by bullying. Author of 'Personal Injury Practice' and 'Procedure and Personal Injury Schedules'. Authority on stress, bullying and PTSD cases, and has lectured on bullying and stress to IRS, IBC and Euroforum. Chair Simon Wessely - Professor of Epidemiological and Liaison Psychiatry (IoP); Honorary Consultant Psychiatrist, King's and Maudsley Hospitals; Co-Director, Gulf War Illnesses Research Unit.