Banks, Gold, and the Fiscal Cliff! - Dec 07,2012

Deft Free Wealth, Money Coach | Blog Talk Radio Feed show

Summary: So you know your money buys you less, that even though you earn more than your grandparents ever did, you have less than they were able to acquire, and every time you try to save, the money seems to disappear instead of accumulate. What you dont know is, the banks realize that too, BUT they are doing something about it. As the nation tries to recuperate from the broken economic system, the financial wizards of the fiancial world realize that the old standard - the gold standard, was the BETTER standard, and without any public buzz, and intentionally so, they have been quietly, and systematically, accumulating larger and larger stock piles of the shiny stuff. Well, should you be taking note? What about all this buzz about a Fiscal Cliff? Should you be taking similar strategies to protect YOUR wealth? As a gold and silver enthusiast, I have been following this financial sector with a close eye. This has not escaped my notice and I feel ethically bound to share it with you. Nothing is as unfortunate as those who have eyes, but will not see, and ears but will not hear. Please be sure to put eye drops and ear wax removal in before tuning in. Some of you may need it! Join me!