Kris Gilbertson l Push Through the PAIN! You Got This!

Kris Gilbertson l Millionaire & Expert Interviews / Business l Marketing l Mindset l Inspirational Podcast   show

Summary: Do you have pain in your life right now? That's A GREAT thing! Our life is full of painful events that test our character, ability, talent, and strength to keep on, keepin' on! This episode I talk about how Pain is truly a blessing in disguise to PUSH you to the next level. By pushing through the pain you tell yourself you can accomplish anything. Whether you have pain in your business to push it to the next level, in your workouts, in a relationship ... it's nature's way of telling you - you have something to learn to PUSH you into the next level! Take a listen and see if you think different about pain after this episode! To learn more about Kris and how she can help Explode your brand through blogging or podcasting and help you dramatically increase your lead flow for your business, head over to! To YOUR Success!