The Importance of Fathers - Father's Day Special

NamasteRadio show

Summary: Join Dr Shefali Tsabary (Nautilus Gold -winning author of The Conscious Parent) and our editorial director, former minister and single father, David Robert Ord as we discuss the importance of fathers. According to the Nautiuls Awards organization, the nautilus symbolizes ancient wisdom and expanding horizons, as well as the elegance of nature and a continual growth of understanding and awareness. Shefali Tsabary, Ph.D., received her doctorate in Clinical Psychology from Columbia University, New York. Dr. Shefali was exposed to Eastern philosophy at an early age and integrates its teachings with Western psychology. It is this blend of East and West that allows her to reach a global audience, and establishes her as one of a kind in the field of mindfulness psychology. Dr. Shefali has worked with a varied demographic: survivors of the Tsunami, women from economically disadvantaged countries, inner city youth, suburban families, and corporate leaders. She lectures extensively on Mindful Living and Conscious Parenting around the world and currently has a private psychotherapy practice in New York city. Her first book, "It's a Mom: What you should know about the early years of motherhood" debuted on the Indian bestseller list for four weeks. "The Conscious Parent" is her second book.