Tales of Old 33 – The Crusader from Cross Plains

Tales of Old show

Summary: Short fiction: "Strangers Well Met" - by Andrew MacRae, 1800's USA Main fiction: Period: 1938s, Setting: Egypt By Teel. James Glenn Read by Shawn Robertson In some of the infinite worlds of the multiverse some men live that might die in others. This story takes place in one of those parallel worlds where a bullet was not fired in Texas in 1936, an Englishman survives a motorcycle accident and a jail term was served in full in Germany. And so the world was changed. I saw the cowboy start to rise but three other armed and burnoosed figures poured through the door. Bob’s body was tense, his great muscles coiled like springs like a panther waiting patiently to for the right moment to pounce. A thug with a wild red beard stepped into the doorway. “You will listen and hear me, infidel dogs,” he proclaimed. “You are in the presence of Abdul Azim who serves the great and magnificent Abu al Kayar. You will give no resistance or you will die.”