5 Ways to Build Confidence as a Mom [Episode 74]

Real Connections show

Summary: Sometimes it can be hard as moms to feel confident, but it is such an important skill as we are the ones making so many daily decisions and so many people will ask us for things, give us unsolicited advice, and tell us we aren't enough. It is so important for us to truly dig deep and have the confidence we need to navigate it all. Here are a few things that can help...<br> <br> <br> <br> Implement a voice filter. There are so many voices in the world and that others will tell you and and you need to quiet them and choose what to listen to carefully and thoughtfully.Under promise, over deliver. "No, thank you" is a full sentence and you are free to use it when necessary. There is no need to feel badly for protecting your time, and resources. You need to decide that carefully for what is best for you.Stop "shoulding" all over others - especially yourself. Understand what you need to do, like to do, want to do, and must do.Do a personal deep dive with your Creator. Understand that connection and build your confidence with him together. Create a "we" victory and relationship with Him.Own your story. Your story is yours and it is beautiful. You were sent here to be YOU! You weren't sent here to be someone else, but just yourself and that is more than enough.<br> <br> <br> <br> If doing all of these at once feels overwhelming, pick one and try practice just that one this week and see what improvements you can make. Once you feel you have a good handle on that one, maybe try incorporating another and see what happens - you deserve to feel confident!