4 Ways to Start Finding Your Purpose

Real Connections show

Summary: So many of us struggle to find out purpose and I am so excited to have Kristin Brown on to share a few ways that can jump start you in that process.<br> <br> <br> <br> Uncover your gifts - Some suggestions to do this are to write down what you enjoyed doing as a child. You can also asked those close to you like your spouse, sibling, or parent what gifts and talents they see in you. You could also try asking close friends or relatives what talents you have that they would actually pay for. Be open to others suggestions and own your gifts and talents as part of your purpose.Decide what you want. Lots of times we can become paralyzed and not do anything because we think there is something we are meant for and want to find it. That may be true, but the best way to discover what that is, is to start looking and to begin moving in a direction. Write down and ponder what your ideal life would look like if it could be anything.Write your purpose statement. Write down the things that really matter to you in your life. When everything is stripped down to the bare bones, what do you want your purpose to be. What things do you want to cultivate in areas of spirituality and relationships, contributing to others and the world. Those things together become your mission statement. For more guided help, you can download Kristin's FREE guide to help you do this at www.theprogressproject.comSet a goal that aligns with your purpose. Sometimes we can get distracted and caught up in things that don't really matter to us in the long run. When you set a goal, see if it is in line with what your purpose statement is in order to figure out if that is where your time is the best spent. <br> <br> <br> <br> If you'd like even more help, Kristin and Laura have designed a workbook to guide you and hold your hand throughout the whole process. Full disclosure, I am an affiliate of "The Progress Project" and will get a small kick back if you purchase. http://www.jointheprogressproject.com/purpose?aff=8<br> <br> <br> <br> Kristin Brown @jointheprogressproject