King and His Fight for the Poor People's Campaign

New Dawn show

Summary: <p>Sylvie Laurent joins Michael Dawson in conversation about her recent publication, King and the Other America: The Poor People's Campaign and the Quest for Economic Equality (University of California Press, 2019). </p> <p>Suggested Readings: </p> <p>Bobby Cervantes,<a href=""> "Revisiting the Poor People's Campaign and Its Legacy"</a> (AAIHS)</p> <p>Robert Greene II, <a href="">"The Language of the Unheard"</a> (The Nation)</p> <p>Kirkus Reviews, <a href="">"King and the Other America" </a></p> <p>Sylvie Laurent, <a href="">"Martin Luther King fifty years on"</a> (Le Monde diplomatique)</p> <p>Sylvie Laurent,  <em>La Couleur du marché, Racisme et néolibéralisme aux États-Unis</em>, Le Seuil, Paris, 2017.</p> <p><br></p>