98 - Indiana Jones and the Monkey King, Part 7

Table Reads show

Summary: I know we’ve given you Nazi speedboats, machine gun arms, haunted castles and even a giant tank, but part 7 is where things really start to get silly! We’re talking distracted giant tank driving, African Mountain Sharks, golden cities and gorilla-people! <br><br>Play a drinking game with this episode: When you get to a point where you assume Stephen Spielberg threw down the script in disgust, take a shot!*<br><br>*Table Reads claims no responsibility for liver failure as a result of this drinking game. <br><br>This episode also marks the first time we recorded the podcast as a video! Check out youtube.tablereadspodcast.com to see the video! Feel free to subscribe over there to never miss an episode. We make funny faces, it’s worth it. <br><br>Let us know what you think by dropping us a line on Twitter @theTableReads. You can also follow us on Instagram @theTableReads or Facebook at <a href="http://www.facebook.com/tablereads" rel="noopener">www.facebook.com/tablereads</a>. <br><br>You can also find us wherever fine podcasts are downloaded! Find us on your favorite platform by visiting <a href="http://www.tablereadspodcast.com/listen" rel="noopener">http://www.tablereadspodcast.com/listen</a>