Dr. Karl Campbell, Professor of History at Appalachian State University

First in Future: Where Emerging Ideas Take Flight show

Summary: The next Emerging Issues Forum, ReCONNECT to Economic Opportunity, is coming up on October 15 in Charlotte. It’s going to be a day focused on the people at the core of our economy—adult workers and their future. We will talk with people who have good ideas for helping them move up and forward. Before we look forward, we think it’s useful to examine our history. This week on First in Future, our guest is Dr. Karl Campbell of Appalachian State University’s History department. He talks to us about our state’s history in segregation, Governor Hodges and Senator Ervin during that time period, and how to look to what our past can tell us about our future. Lastly, he tells us the interesting origin of our state’s many nicknames.