Got a Product to Sell? Farmer's Market Tips

Naturally Savvy show

Summary: With her farmer's market, trade show, and online selling experience, Kyyeetha (Ky) Archinard has some tips for potential sellers.Farmer's markets are becoming increasingly popular, as more and more people are seeking to buy local, organic, or farm-raised products.  If you're a person who has something to sell, there are a few things to know that can make or break your efforts.  With her farmer's market, trade show, and online selling experience, Kyyeetha Archinard has some tips for potential sellers. First, the pros and cons. One of the biggest con is that farmer's markets are typically outside, so your success is often dependent on the weather. Another con is that your season might be shorter than you'd like, particularly if you reside in the northern states.  The pros are that you have a great opportunity to test your product and how it's received. It's also a chance to get to know your local community. The one-on-one time with your customers is also an advantage. Markets are all different, so Ky advises checking out a few before committing. The larger ones are quite selective and sellers may find themselves up against a lot of competition. Others are welcoming to anyone who has a permit to sell and is able to meet the fees and insurance requirements. Some require samples of your wares before they'll approve.  Selling beyond the farmer's market can get a bit trickier, for example if you're showcasing at an expo, selling online, or attempting to get into a brick-and-mortar store. Oftentimes, the Department of Health will demand sellers prepare foods or spices in an approved kitchen setting -- not your home. Listen as Ky joins host Lisa Davis to share more tips for making your home business a success.