True Capitalist Radio hosted by Ghost - episode #385

The Ghost Show show

Summary: Market continue the negative streak on election & Fed rate fears. A week before the election and Donald Trump looks poised for victory (media throwing every lie to fool the public)! Hillary Clinton & her cohorts make last attempt to save themselves. Huma Abedin e-mails is now the focus of FBI's investigation (Anthony Weiner checks in to a sex addiction clinic). Wikileaks latest releasing of Podesta e-mails shows Hillary Clinton had a mole in the DOJ, George P Bush says the Bush crime family has all "potentially" voted for Hillary, 2 Iowa police shot & killed in ambush atyle attack (expect more false flags like this), Frances' Liberal immigration policy has now caused Paris to turn into a warzone and other news. Ghost goes off on Black folks who are throwing shade on Lil Wayne for not falling for the George Soros funded "Black Lives Matter" nonsense. Your calls. Twitter shoutouts and Radio Graffiti.   Twitter: @PoliticsGhost @PoliticsGhost