Episode-2425- The Lost Art of Developing Life Skills

The Survival Podcast show

Summary: My wife had some morning talk crap on earlier this week.  Can’t remember what it was but it was two gals sucking down wine in the morning and cackling about stuff.  Anyway they started talking about the concept of “snow plow parenting”.  Okay I will listen, may be if I had some of that wine…….. Well it was a decent segment, they were talking about how young adults 18-27 were no longer developing life skills.  One of the gals talking was a late menial (37) the other a mid GenXr (46 like me).  What they were saying was that snow plowing was when parents did so much for kids they never developed basic skills. How bad was it, well in the age range of 18-27 almost 70% of those surveyed were still relying on parents to set appointments for them, like for the Dr. and Dentist type shit, at fricken 27!  And get this shit, 25% of parents of ADULTS this age, admitted to contacting their employer to do things like “tell them they are having a rough day at work today so try to go easy on them”.  WTF! So I am coming off the schedule today and instead of doing a call in show we are going to talk about life skills.  Unlike many that just like to bitch and shake their heads I am into solutions.  These young adults don’t suck at life because they chose to, they were enabled and taught to.  Today we discuss developing life skills, both in kids and in our own lives where we are lacking. Join Me Today to Discuss… How the hell did we get to this point, it isn’t likely what you think it is Why we need to stop teaching things and start teaching “how to learn” The role the school system plays in all of this 20 Life Skills Everyone Should Learn Young (or eventually) Managing money and basic budgets Dealing with rejection, hardship and loss How to negotiate and buy big ticket items, insurance, etc. Cooking (really well by the way) How to sell, specifically how to sell yourself Critical thinking, research and analysis Computer troubleshooting Self defense and situational awareness Do basic home repairs, use tools, etc. How to read a map, give directions, draw a basic map, etc. How to use Excel How to sew, at least basic stuff, fix a button, darn a sock, etc. The concept of basic preparedness First aid Basic automotive knowledge, change a tire, how an engine works, etc. How to build a network (a real one, not just followers) Social etiquette How to plant (gardens, flowers, herbs, trees, whatever) How to find their passion and purpose along with patience in doing so How to learn something just because you want to and put it into practice Final Thoughts   Resources for today’s show… Follow Life With Jack on Instagram TSP Facebook Group Join the Members Brigade Join Our Forum Walking To Freedom TspAz.com The Granddaddy’s Gun Club Binance.com Biltong for Breakfast Find Your TSP Facebook Group for Your State El Paso – Marty Robbins   Sponsors of the Day Safecastle Royal Knife Kits   Remember to comment, chime in and tell us your thoughts, this podcast is one man’s opinion, not a lecture or sermon. Also please enter our listener appreciation contest and help spread the word about our show. Also remember you can call in your questions and comments to 866-65-THINK (866-658-4465) and you might hear yourself on the air. Join the MSB Today Want Every Episode of TSP Ever Produced? Remember in addition to discounts to over 40 vendors who supply stuff you are likely buying anyway, tons of free ebooks and video content, MSB Members also get every edition of The Survival Podcast ever produced in convenient zip files in blocks of 24. More info on the MSB can be found here.