137: Throw out your office referral; circle up instead

Hack Learning show

Summary: Handing out office referrals like candy to students who misbehave is like sending kids away from learning for a brief holiday, and Mark Barnes says, "It's time to throw out your office referral." Mark shares a powerful, simple hack from Hacking School Discipline, that will help teachers and school leaders change behavior, while keeping kids in class as valuable members of the learning community. <br><br>Read an excerpt and learn one of 9 ways to create a culture of empathy and responsibility using restorative justice: <a href="http://hacklearning.org/circleup" rel="noopener">http://hacklearning.org/circleup</a><br><br>For more episodes, visit <a href="http://hacklearningpodcast.com" rel="noopener">http://hacklearningpodcast.com</a>