You Can Get UNSTUCK. Here's How...

Mental Toughness Mastery Podcast with Sheryl Kline, M.A. CHPC show

Summary: I honor where you are and for what you have accomplished up to this point. It’s often easy to lose sight of the lives we’ve touched, the progress we’ve made and what we have given to others. This affects our momentum, motivation and confidence, so please do take a moment for self gratitude, and the good you have already put into the world. If you are feeling ‘stuck’, it may be time for an ambition checkpoint. This is a world-class tip to help you reassess what stage of life you are in, what’s important to you, and what your next move is. I believe it's time for you to show up in this world as you are meant to. It’s time to next level what matters most to you. It’s time to understand that you have the greatness within you already. That the world is conspiring to coax it out of you and that the world desperately needs to see it. It’s time for you do inspire others to do the same by leading as an example. It’s time to understand that the only limitations are those we put on ourselves, and the only dream that is impossible is one we cannot see. We all have room for improvement. If you have climbed the ranks in a job you love, I hope you have celebrated that success wholeheartedly! What would it be like to take your performance to the next level? Maybe how you treat your team, taking on new initiatives or having a more efficient and sustainable workday. Even if you have all of that down, how are your relationships that matter most? How are you taking care of yourself with exercise, nutrition and downtime? Maybe it’s your in the best shape of your life, but you have not been as present with your partner or kids. What ever your case may be, let’s start today. Yesterday has happened. It’s history. What will you do going forward to be your best? It’s time to reassess your ambitions and to think about who you want to become. As we move through life, our ambitions change. Maybe it’s from career to parent or parent back to career. Maybe it’s from hobbyist to pro, in other words taking a hobby that you love to a career. Maybe it’s from having mediocre relationships with those who matter most to world-class relationships. Maybe it’s from surviving physically to getting into the best shape of your life and thriving. Regardless of the bucket we wish to fill, career, relationships or personal wellness, we must decide if we are going to be a quitter, a novice, a player, or a pro. It’s time. Challenge: 1.Decide if it’s time for YOU. 2.Share what what you are thinking with trusted friend, family member or in a journal. 3.Go forward and commit to a tiny triumph this week. It may be doing a little research, making a couple phone calls or walking around the block. Quote: ‘Never interrupt someone who is doing what you said couldn’t be done.’ -Amelia Earhart Book High Performance Habits, Brendon Burchard