How I’m Retiring Next Year on a $500,000 Nest Egg | A Purple Life

Fire Drill show

Summary: A Purple Life is retiring next year on a $500,000 FIRE number.<br> <br> She is currently 29 years old, and living and working in Seattle. She's managed to reduce her expenses to $18,000 per year, and splits costs with her partner. She is also successfully living on a keto diet and is planning on going travelling next year once she hits her FI number.<br> <br> You'll love her story.<br> <br> We also chat about...<br> <br> Moving from New York to Seattle<br> How she reduced her expenses to $18,000 per year<br> Why she does not combine finances with her partner<br> Living a keto diet<br> How she calculated her FIRE number<br> Life goals<br> <br> For show notes and takeaways: