017: Developing Uncommon Sense

Uncommon Sense: the This is True Podcast show

Summary: In This Episode: Can you really develop Uncommon Sense? From none to some, and from some to more? Yes: it can grow, get stronger, and help you in your life — or even save your life. Here’s how.<br> <br> <a class="twitter-share-button" href="https://twitter.com/share?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">Tweet</a><br> <a href="#transcript">Jump to Transcript</a><br> <a href="https://thisistrue.com/category/podcasts/">How to Subscribe and List of All Episodes</a><br> Show Notes<br> <br> * The links to the previous episodes I discuss are in context in the transcript below.<br> <br> <a name="transcript"></a><br> Transcript<br> In last week’s episode, I said that part of my message of this entire series is, you can develop Uncommon Sense. That’s right: it can grow, get stronger, and help you in your life. And as we saw last week, it can even save your life. This week, I promised to tell you how. Well… let’s get to it!<br> I’m Randy Cassingham, welcome to Uncommon Sense.<br> This is episode 17. Over the past 16 episodes, we’ve heard about some amazing people — and some ordinary people — who have exhibited Uncommon Sense. Let me very briefly recap them: if you missed any of the episodes, the Show Page has links to each of them:<br> <br> * A lowly book reader who insisted her boss’s rejection of a manuscript was actually a hidden diamond of a book, and she was so emboldened about being right, she went on to be a star editor in the publishing business for over 60 years, helping to polish many more diamonds. <a href="https://thisistrue.com/podcast-001-the-best-of-humanity/">The Best of Humanity</a><br> * Three short stories of people in the medical profession stepping outside their strict protocols to do the right thing, including one I witnessed first hand that had a profound impact on my life — not just as a volunteer medic, but as a writer and a human being. <a href="https://thisistrue.com/podcast-002-reverberating-for-decades/">Reverberating for Decades</a><br> * My inside story of the people behind the robotic spacecraft we send to explore other planets …and beyond, recorded after I went to NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory just to be there for the end of the Cassini mission at Saturn. <a href="https://thisistrue.com/podcast-003-cassini-bigger-picture/">Cassini: The Bigger Picture</a><br> * A man who admitted he was just a lazy schoolteacher, but ended up being recruited by the biggest of the blue-chip companies, where he became a star inventor because the CEO believed in him — and gave him free reign to just do what he wanted, because that CEO knew Uncommon Sense when he saw it. <a href="https://thisistrue.com/podcast-004-full-circle/">Full Circle</a><br> * A fun feel-good story about a woman who was interrupted on one of the most important days of her life, and yet created an unforgettable moment not only for a stranger, and not only for herself, but for all of us who saw the viral story online. <a href="https://thisistrue.com/podcast-005-the-last-stroke-of-midnight/">The Last Stroke of Midnight</a><br> * Two people separated by 70 years who realized they could help others step up to change the world in profound, life-enhancing (and live-saving) ways. <a href="https://thisistrue.com/podcast-006-the-x-factor/">The X Factor</a><br> * A woman who was completely fooled by self-deception and, on the brink of death, realized she was doing the wrong thing and started over — and the guy with Uncommon Sense who acted immediately, and thus helped give her that chance at a new life. <a href="https://thisistrue."></a>