186 – Success Comes From 50% Recovery Work And 50% Kicking Ass In Life

Porn Free Radio show

Summary: Sometimes I focus on the struggle too much. It’s hard walking in recovery. I want to be honest about that.<br> But then I think what am I doing to kick ass in life?<br> What excites me? What sparks joy?<br> On today’s show, we’re talking about what it means to pursue a great life.<br> REV Group Coaching<br> Connect with other guys on the journey. In REV you’ll find consistent, safe, hope-filled guys who get it. Don’t do this alone. Spots are available now.<br> <a class="button" href="https://dobberco.wufoo.com/forms/rev-group-coaching-w-matt-dobschuetz-application/">Apply now</a><br>