182 – How Successful Guys Overcome Shame

Porn Free Radio show

Summary: In this episode, we continue with our successful guys series by discussing shame.<br> C.G. Jung called shame a “soul eating emotion.” It’s the corrosive state where our failure and flaws come to define us. Where we see ourselves as broken and unable to change.<br> Resources Mentioned:<br> <br> * <a href="https://recoveredman.com/026-shame-and-porn-addiction/">PFR 026 – Shame and Porn Addiction</a><br> <br> REV Group Coaching<br> Connect with other guys on the journey. In REV you’ll find consistent, safe, hope-filled guys who get it. Don’t do this alone. Spots are available now.<br> <a class="button" href="https://dobberco.wufoo.com/forms/rev-group-coaching-w-matt-dobschuetz-application/">Apply now</a><br>