Adriana Elmes, Mind Your Own Yoga Business!


Summary: I developed my Ashtangasana Yoga Teacher Training Program several years back. I have always had it in the back of my mind to package this program and make it available for studios to purchase and use as their own. I love curriculum development and love the idea of helping studios grow. I successfully packaged the program and have started to sell it! I have had a wonderful response.  I am so excited to continue learning all the aspects of promoting and running a different kind of business. Though the technical aspects of websites, computers, always a challenge for me! A true practice of patience for me!  And if you have a chance, check out my website This was a major psychological accomplishment for me to publish my own site!  Please connect with Adriana at To find out more about Adriana's other passion, Neuro-Feedback, see Thank you to our sponsor, who produce Yoga Talk Pod