Alternatives #2: Matt Taibbi

Zero Squared show

Summary: J.G. Michael and C Derick Varn have a new podcast called "Alternatives" which will be featured monthly on either the member's only Inside Zero Books feed page or here on the Zero Squared feed. Alternatives is a podcast about culture, specifically about alternatives to mainstream culture (or the absence of alternatives.) This second episode of Alternatives features a conversation about Rolling Stone's Matt Taibbi, the new media, Generational Politics, and no platforming. Will Taibbi survive #metoo given the tone and character of his work with The Exile in 2002? We’ve moved the Inside Zero Books podcast from the Zero Books blog to Patreon. This makes it easier to get the member’s only podcast on podcatchers. We’ll be restarting our reruns of the first year of Inside Zero Books daily on our Patreon account. If you missed Inside Zero Books podcast the first time, or if you just want to hear the old episodes again, they’ll be available.