54 - 420 Special - Coach Austin on CBD

Coaching for Geeks: Gaming, Health, Dating, Fitness for the Geek who wants more! | Health | Mindset | D&D | show

Summary: <p>Powering Up with CBD!? </p><br> <div> </div><br> <div>This 4/20 Episode Special is about Coach Austin's personal experience with taking Cannabidiol, CBD, for the last six weeks in helping him through his day to day from daily workouts to running errands. </div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>He goes into detail about how it has affected his sleeping, issues with anxiety and recovery.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>IMPORTANT - PLEASE CHECK THE LEGALITY OF CBD IN YOUR AREA. CFG TAKES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR ACTION OR INACTION AS A RESULT OF THIS EPISODE.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>This epsiode is not an endorsement of the use of illegal substances. No matter how helpful or fun they might be.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>POWER UP ONLINE</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div> <strong>Join the gang at </strong>https://www.facebook.com/groups/coachingforgeeks</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div> <strong>Get more words on the blog at </strong>https://www.coachingforgeeks.com/blog</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Don't forget to like, share, subscribe and never forget to be awesome.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>We'll see you next week.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div> <br>  </div>