36: Stress and the Single Woman

From the Center with Debra & Dr. Rob: Success for Women | Purpose | Spirituality | Relationships show

Summary: Do you feel stressed with everything you have to do in life? Are you a single mom trying to juggle career and dating? Do you find dating itself stressful? If you are a woman with a mission, you probably dealt with stress at some point in your journey and most likely still experiencing it.<br> 36: Stress and the Single Woman<br> In this episode, we explain what stress is and how it affects the body and your health. We talk about your emotions and how they are the drivers of your body’s chemistry and stress response. Learn how your thoughts can shift your emotions and ultimately bring your body back into a healthy balance and reverse negative symptoms. Working with your emotions in a different way to bring you better results.<br> Get tips on how to reduce your stress today and how to create lasting health.<br> Interested in learning more about mindbody psychology? Check out our new <a href="http://debianddrrob.com/Mindbody-Psychology-Training">MindBody Psychology Training Retreat</a> in Santa Fe, New Mexico this summer!<br> Join us on our Facebook Fan Group at <a href="https://www.facebook.com/groups/creativelovegurus/">Creative Love Community</a><br> Don’t forget to subscribe to our podcast so you don’t miss any episodes.<br>