RAINBOW SERPENT MOON: Lunar Forecast with Susan Lipshutz [November 18 - December 18]

Moonwise show

Summary: A lunar forecast for November 18 - December 18, 2017 by Susan Lipshutz featuring tips and practices for working with the energies of the month. "Fall in love with the truth of what you need to tell yourself because in it is what you value." - Susan Lipshutz This moon cycle, Susan reminds us to stay persistent as we all undergo an upgrade in consciousness. She says, "if you fee like you're really pushing a rock up the mountain or working on a project or stepping past something that's been really hard for you, I want you to really stay with it and understand that the work is valuable and that what you're doing has merit and keep moving with it." She recommends using a rattle to clear pain and trauma that is coming up on personal and collective levels. She says, "in the ashes of the fire, there are always the strongest embers and the embers activate the rebirth...we have to stick together and believe. It is a really profound moment in our story as a world."