Stephen Pierce - Motion, Action Forward Progress

Success Sculpting Show with Stephen Pierce: Self Help | Self Improvement | Personal Development | Motivation | Inspiration show

Summary: <br> Stephen Pierce Momentum Mixx – Motion, Action Forward Progress<br> This Track 2 of the Stephen Pierce Momentum Mixx motivational series.<br> The message is about motion, action, forward progress.<br> To succeed at whatever you choose to do, we must move beyond thinking about it, talking about it and hoping for it.<br> We most take focused relentless action that leads to positive motion, action, and forward progress.<br> We become shaped and build character and discipline by taking action.<br> When taking action we will make mistakes, have setbacks and have to face obstacles and even overcome odds.<br> Like fire purifying gold and severe pressure on a rock creating a diamond, the greatest of flames and the pressure cooker of success is found only when we take action.<br> When we get into motion and when you start progressing forward.<br> Taking action is your biggest teacher, everything else is an assumption.<br> Sure, we can read books, watch videos, listen to audios and attend workshops and seminars.<br> In that process, we are acquiring information.<br> Knowledge is displayed through the implementation of that information and from that implementation (taking action) we build wisdom.<br> Whatever it is you want in life, it will require motion, action and forward progress.<br> So click play or download this newest track from the Stephen Pierce Momentum Mixx.<br> Enjoy!<br> You can follow me on Social Media here:<br> <br> * <a href="">Stephen Pierce Facebook Personal Page</a><br> * <a href="">Stephen Pierce Facebook Fanpage</a><br> * <a href="">Stephen Pierce Twitter</a><br> * <a href="">Stephen Pierce YouTube</a><br> <br> <a href="">Stephen Pierce</a> Success Sculpting Show is also available on Stitcher, Google Play, iTunes, and iHeartRadio.<br> <br> * <a href="">Stephen Pierce on Stitcher</a><br> * <a href=";u=0#/ps/Ijcvgkuqhyp5q3cil45twao3ive">Stephen Pierce on Google Play</a><br> * <a href="">Stephen Pierce on iTunes</a><br> * <a href="">Stephen Pierce on iHeartRadio</a><br> <br>  <br>