Hello Heroes: Mods Talk Meta

Hello Heroes show

Summary: <p>Hello /r/FireEmblemHeroes</p> <p>Welcome back to Hello Heroes, the official podcast by the /r/FireEmblemHeroes moderator team, for our community right here on Reddit!</p> <p>Today’s cast is:</p> <p>– (/u/Frobro_da_Truff)</p> <p>– (/u/darkdogdemon )</p> <p>– (/u/Andis1)</p> <p>– (/u/Hexatomb)<br> ────────</p> <p>Today’s topics include:</p> <p>What is the Extra Life Charity Stream? *1:10*</p> <ul> <li>Our upcoming CSS redesign and what we hope to accomplish with it. *4:40*New features</li> <li>Using in game assets to make the sub look more in line with the game</li> <li>User flairs changing to chibi sprites</li> <li>Easily finding info without combing through the index megathread which we hope to phase out entirely</li> <li>Better content filters</li> <li>Become less reliant on stickies to keep info searchable</li> </ul> <p>r/FireEmblemHeroes demographic survey *17:24*</p> <p>Talking about potential new post flairs *23:50*</p> <p>Talking about the need for megathreads *26:16*</p> <p>Understanding moderating on reddit *33:22*</p> <p>The evolution of and the issues with the “Unit Build” rules *43:43*</p> <p>Memes, Fan Art and Karma *51:32*</p> <p> </p> <p>*Total runtime: 59:03*</p> <p style="text-align: center;"><a href="http://castly.co.uk/2017/10/13/hello-heroes-mods-talk-meta/">Hello Heroes: Mods Talk Meta</a></p> <p></p>