Finding Arizona Podcast show

Summary: Each person who is battling ALS is a study in courage. The family and friends of people with ALS also are among the most courageous people in the world. They help their loved ones face each day with hope. Each person who is battling ALS has a unique story to share that will inspire others not to give up and to live life to the fullest. The ALS Association is something that we chose to highlight because it is something that anyone can get. This makes it important and necessary to hear the information in this episode. Our hope as a podcast is that someone will hear this and use this amazing organization in their time of need. To learn more about this Arizona Chapter please go the following: WEBSITE: http://webaz.alsa.org/site/PageServer?pagename=AZ_homepage FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/ALSArizona/ INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/alsarizona/ TWITTER: https://twitter.com/ALSAZ