Ep. 17 – Being Spiritual in a Material World

From the Center with Debra & Dr. Rob: Success for Women | Purpose | Spirituality | Relationships show

Summary: EPISODE 17: BEING SPIRITUAL IN A MATERIAL WORLD<br> Do you have a great morning meditation and then feel all that bliss is lost when you are thrust into the material world? This podcast today is for you If you ever wondered how to be spiritual in the regular, typical life. When you go to work and interact with the rest of the people in the world, you may tend to fall into old patterns. We discuss how we wear masks to help us relate to others but that mask is not an authentic part of who we really are. We forget that other part of us – our spiritual center – when we believe we are the mask.<br> Explore if you are in a shadow career and not doing what your soul wants you to express in the world. Learn how you can connect more to your spiritual self through your everyday life so you can feel more grounded and less anxiety as you go through your day.<br> Watch this presentation on VIDEO on Youtube here <a href="https://youtu.be/X9fQFdLVXe4">https://youtu.be/X9fQFdLVXe4</a><br> Want more? Visit us a <a href="http://debiandrob.com">DebiandRob.com and get some free classes to help you with love, success and living your purpose</a><br>  <br>