40 - What if candy was good for you?

What If World - Stories for Kids show

Summary: Remember when Whendiana Joan became a trio of time traveling sisters in order to save the world from a never ending bowl of ice cream? Well, it's a thing that happened, and now Dr. Joan, Miss Whendy, and Ana are back to face another candy crisis!<p>We're having a contest! To enter, all you need to do is write a short review on Apple Podcasts, then email your display name to <a href="%E2%80%9Cmailto:whatifworldpodcast@gmail.com%E2%80%9D">whatifworldpodcast@gmail.com</a> for your chance to win ANY item of your choice from the <a href="%E2%80%9Chttp://whatifworld.threadless.com/%E2%80%9C">What If World threadless store</a>!. (Having trouble leaving a review on your iPhone? <a href="%E2%80%9Chttps://www.essentialapple.com/home/how-to-leave-a-podcast-review-using-your-iphone%E2%80%9D">Click here for instructions!</a>) Thank you so much, your feedback means the world to us!!! </p><p><a href="%E2%80%9Chttps://www.patreon.com/whatifworld%E2%80%9D"><b>Visit our Patreon page</b></a> - become a member at just $2 a month and get access to special What If World stories and live streams. Other rewards include free swag, one-on-one Google Hangouts with Mr. Eric, free worksheets and more!<br>Buy a t-shirt, mug, beach towel or a bunch of other fun What If World items at <a href="%E2%80%9Chttps://whatifworld.threadless.com/%E2%80%9C"><b>our Threadless store</b></a>!<br>Write a review of What If World <a href="%E2%80%9Chttps://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/what-if-world-storytelling-for-kids/id1164278826?mt=2%E2%80%9D">on Apple Podcasts</a>.<br>Share What If World with a friend who loves stories.<br>Call 205-605-WHAT with a What If Question, an interview question for one of WiW’s many characters, or a comment on one of our past stories.<br>Share your What If World art on <a href="%E2%80%9Chttps://twitter.com/whatifworldpod%E2%80%9D">Facebook</a>, on <a href="%E2%80%9Chttps://twitter.com/whatifworldpod%E2%80%9D">Twitter @whatifworldpod</a>, or by <a href="%E2%80%9Cmailto:whatifworldpodcast@gmail.com%E2%80%9D">Email</a>!</p><p>What If World is hosted and performed by Eric O’Keefe, edited by Karen Marshall, with a theme song by Craig Martinson.</p>