Outlaw Barz - Excuse Me Who Are You

For All Nerds Show show

Summary: Diva just got her recommendation privileges back with Voices of a Distant Star and she is on the fast track to getting them revoked again. Diva, determined to shed her good girl recommendation image, offered up a bonafide anime classic for the more mature anime viewer. In this episode of Outlaw Barz, Excuse Me, Who Are You?, the ladies discuss Satoshi Kon's psychological thriller Perfect Blue. The ladies, as well as the main character Mima, fall down a rabbit hole of mental instability, complex set-ups, and situations more uncomfortable than showing up at your best friend's wedding to find out she's marrying your boyfriend who supposedly lived overseas. Anime Mentioned in this Episode: Perfect Blue Magical Girl Raising Project Chaika - The Coffin Princess Music: Intro: @killing-spree-1 Outro: @musicality-beats