Cybersecurity | OAS Episode 7

NCSL Podcasts show

Summary: "They only have to get it right once." On this episode of “Our American States,” we dive into the complex world of cybersecurity. For most Americans it’s not something we give a lot of thought to until a news story breaks regarding a breach of a major company’s data center. What many of us don’t realize is that nearly all of us have data stored on a state data system. If you’ve filed a tax return, applied for a driver’s license, started a business, or qualified for social services, your state has important information about you that you would not want in the hands of criminals or hackers. To walk us through this complex issue, we have Doug Robinson, executive director of the National Association of State Chief Information Officers, and South Carolina state Senator Thomas Alexander. They explain that state systems are the targets of attacks millions of times a month. And, and Robinson points out in the quote above, all it takes is for one of those attacks to be successful in order to cause a breach of data. The experts walk us through the steps policymakers need to consider to protect their data and how an NCSL Task Force on Cyber Security is helping state legislatures address the issue. Transcription of Episode 7