034: Great Products Start With Empathy with Jonathan Pimento

User Defenders: Inspiring Interviews with UX Superheroes show

Summary: <p><img src="https://i1.wp.com/userdefenders.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/034-Jonathan-Pimento-landscape.jpg?resize=973%2C1024" alt='User Defenders "Photoshop Ninja" Jonathan Pimento' class="superhero"></p> <blockquote><p> Jonathan teaches us how product managers are the glue between design and engineering. He reminds us that the most important role we can play in the success of a product is being a voice for the customer. He encourages us to never give up on our personal projects. He also motivates us as designers to always stay inspired. </p></blockquote> <p> Jonathan Pimento is a Product Manager for Adobe XD. He has a deep passion for design, technology and their intersection. In 2009, he had to pick one of his passions to pursue academically so he chose computer engineering at the University Of Mumbai. He’s been a freelancer, worked with a few startups and has taken many small steps up the big ladder. Solving problems and connecting with the end user is what drives this passion. His interests span across design to writing code, and balancing both with research &amp; data. He also enjoys running and swimming on the weekends. </p> <div class="flexbook xd"> <ul> <li><a href="http://adobe.ly/userdefenders" target="_blank"><img src="https://i0.wp.com/userdefenders.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/xd-landscape-1.jpg?resize=400%2C247" alt="Adobe XD" class="landscape"></a></li> <li> <h4>This episode is brought to you by Adobe, makers of XD</h4> <p><a href="http://adobe.ly/userdefenders" class="button-xd" target="_blank">Try XD for Free</a></p> </li> </ul> </div> <p><br> <strong>LINKS</strong><br> <a href="https://twitter.com/jonthanjosh" target="_blank">Jonathan’s Twitter</a><br> <a href="http://jonathanpimento.com" target="_blank">Jonathan’s Website</a><br> <a href="http://signalnoise.com/">Signal Noise (Portfolio of James White)</a><br> [RESOURCES] <a href="http://dribbble.com" target="_blank">Dribbble</a><br> [READING] <a href="http://usertesting.com" target="_blank">UserTesting.com</a>, <a href="https://twitter.com" target="_blank">Twitter</a>, <a href="http://medium.com" target="_blank">Medium</a>, <a href="http://airbnb.design/lottie/" target="_blank">Airbnb Lottie</a></p> <hr> <p><strong>SUBSCRIBE</strong><br> <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/user-defenders-podcast-inspiring/id1055121160?mt=2&amp;ls=1" target="_blank">Subscribe on iTunes</a> | <a href="http://www.subscribeonandroid.com/pcr.apple.com/id1055121160" target="_blank">Subscribe on Android</a> | <a href="https://play.google.com/music/listen#/ps/Ixoin7ctwvavboeov4fvuhm6v6a" target="_blank">Subscribe on Google Play</a> | <a href="http://userdefenders.com/?feed=podcast" target="_blank">RSS Feed</a> </p> <p><strong>SUPERPOWER OF SUPPORT</strong><br> Here’s your chance to use your superpower of support. Don’t rely on telepathy alone! If you’re enjoying the show, would you take two minutes and <a href="http://userdefenders.com/review" target="_blank">leave a rating and review</a> on iTunes? I’d also be willing to remove my cloak of invisibility from your inbox if you’d <a href="http://userdefenders.com/join" target="_blank">subscribe to the Bi-Weekly Bugle</a> for my best UX/Personal Growth tips and superguest announcement</p>